Island Decree, containing general measures, for the implementation of articles 2,3 and 17 of the Eilandsverordening kinderdagverblijf AB 2009 no 14

Geldend van 24-01-2018 t/m heden


Island Decree, containing general measures, for the implementation of articles 2,3 and 17 of the Eilandsverordening kinderdagverblijf AB 2009 no 14


Considering: the need to establish general measures for the implementation of articles 2,3 and 17 of "Eilandsverordening kinderdagverblijf ;

On account of: advise Directorate Society and Welfare;

By virtue of: " Eilandsverordening kinderdagverblijf AB 2009 no 14";


To approve the following Island Decree, containing general measures, for the implementation of articles 2,3 and 17 of the Eilandsverordening kinderdagverblijf AB 2009 no 14"

Inspector Daycare for children

Article 1 Responsibilities

  • The inspector works in close cooperation with the Quality Committee ( see under b )

  • In case of a request for a permit the Quality Committee will be approached by Government

  • The quality Committee advices Government based on the research done by the inspector

  • The inspector supervises the compliance of a daycare center with the "Eilandsverordening Kinderdagverblijf"

  • Will do research if the daycare will be able to comply with the requirements

  • During the research special attention will be given to the findings of the Fire Department and the Department for Infrastructure

  • Based on the research of the Inspector the Quality Committee gives advice to Government

  • The inspector has the following authority:

  • To enter the daycare center

  • To be accompanied by persons designated by him/her for this purpose

  • To do research

  • To give guidelines for issuing permits

  • To have access to all documents

The inspector gives special attention to the appearance and behavior of the children

Article 2 Appointment

The Inspector is appointed by the Executive Council of Sint Eustatius for one day per week. The inspector will be employed at the Division of Youth Health

Article 3 Qualifications and competencies

Professional knowledge of quality early childhood care

Experience as inspector

Be able to work with the Quality Committee

Be willing to follow a training in this field

Quality Committee Daycare for children;

Article 4 Appointment

  • The Quality Committee consists of a maximum of 5 persons

  • The members are appointed and fired by Government

  • The duration of the appointment is 3 years with the possibility for 3 more years

  • The committee has a chair and a secretary

  • The Committee meets at least twice per year or more if necessary

  • The compensation per meeting for each member is $ 200

Article 5 Responsibilities

  • Gives advice to Government :

  • during the transition period (art 27)

  • regarding requests for a permit

  • On their initiative regarding topics related to daycare for children

  • The committee relies for her advice on the research of the inspector

  • The committee gives advice within four weeks

  • In case of closing of a center Government asks the committee for advice regarding the permit

  • During the transition period the committee will draft an action plan with the following information:

  • Need for training

  • The changes to be made

  • Changes in the way of acting in the daycare

  • The time frame within which the changes have to be made

Article 6 Qualifications and competencies

Professional knowledge of and experience with quality daycare

Be willing to work with the Inspector

Be able to work in a group

Knows how to deal with confidentiality

General measures

Conditions to be set for the infrastructure

Article 7

  • 1. A daycare center provides at least 10 m2 in- and outside space per child

  • 2. A day care center and all the provisions in a day care center must be in good condition

  • 3. A day care center must have good electrical lighting and good ventilation

  • 4. Wells and cisterns located on the grounds of a day care center must be closed off/covered properly

  • 5. A day care center is, in any case, free of:

    • A.

      dangerous goods or objects

    • B.

      poisonous plants

    • C.

      receptacle water

  • 6. Goods and objects which may poison or by which children may be wounded must be kept out of the children's reach

Article 8

  • 1. Material which may be damaging to health, which may be flammable or which may produce strong smoke development by a fire, may not be used in day care centers

  • 2. A day care center must be easily reached by and accessible to members of emergency services

  • 3. A day care center must have sufficient safe emergency exits, as stipulated by the fire department.

  • 4. The daycare center must be equipped with functioning smoke detectors

  • 5. Depending on the amount of children a day care center will be equipped with:

    • a.

      Fire extinguishers or mounted fire hoses, ready for immediate use and mounted in a place clearly indicated and readily available for adults

    • b.

      One fire extinguisher per kitchen, ready for immediate use

    • c.

      A well-equipped first aid kit in a place clearly indicated and readily available to adults

Article 9

  • 1. A day care center must be connected to public and/or secured electricity services and, in as far as such is possible, to public telephone, potable water and sewage systems

  • 2. If a daycare center is not connected to the public sewage system, the licensee will provide an adequate means of sewage run off

  • 3. If a day care center is not connected to a public potable water system, the management of said center will follow the directives of the Executive Council with regard to the water caught and stored in cisterns

  • 4. If the day care center is not connected to a public telephone service, the licensee will make provisions for a reliable mobile telephone

  • 5. A daycare center must have an indoors communication system

Article 10

  • 1. The ground surface of the outside area must be of a material which is safe to act as a play ground for children

  • 2. The outside area of a day care center will consist of parts with shade and parts with sunshine

  • 3. The licensee will provide enough toys for children to play with outside

  • 4. In as far as such is applicable, the material and toys mentioned in the third paragraph, will be anchored in a safe manner

Article 11

  • 1. The ground surface of the inside area of the day care center must be smooth and a non-slip material

  • 2. Electrical outlets and electrical switches must be placed at a height of 1,5 meters and safeguarded

  • 3. Per child there must be enough room for storage of personal belongings.

  • 4. There is a separate space for use by staff apart from the rooms used for the children

Article 12

  • 1. In a daycare center the furniture and material in the rooms used by the children must be adapted to the development of the child.

  • 2. There must be a mattress or bed per child that is laid to bed, whereby the space between the mattresses or beds must be at least 0,30 meters

  • 3. Furniture and material must be in good condition and must be replaced regularly, depending on the intensity of the use thereof.

  • 4. All toys must be washable

Article 13

  • 1. The kitchen is in a section separated from the toilet and the dressing room and is not accessible to the children

  • 2. The area of the working surface in the kitchen must be at least 9m2

  • 3. There must be a sink in the kitchen containing at least two compartments and provided with functioning plumbing with an appropriate pipe leading to the sewage run off

  • 4. In the kitchen:

    • a.

      The floors and the walls are tiled up completely

    • b.

      The working areas must be of washable material

    • c.

      There must be enough provisions for the storage of dishes and other utensils for food preparation, free of insects and rodents

    • d.

      There must be enough provisions for the storage of refrigerated and non-refrigerated food, free of insects and rodents

Article 14

  • 1. Sanitary provisions for the staff are separated from the sanitary provisions of the children

  • 2. The floors of toilets and showers, to be used by the children, must be tiled with anti-slip tiles

  • 3. The walls of the toilets and the showers, to be used by the children, must be tiled up to a height of at least 1,6 meters

  • 4. The day care center is equipped with:

    • a.

      A shower and a sink placed at a height of 0,6 meters per group of fifteen children

    • b.

      A toilet bowl placed at a height of 0,35 meters and 0,50 meters per group of ten children older than 2,5 years old

    • c.

      A potty for every child from 1 to 1,5 years old

  • 5. All toilets are connected to functioning plumbing with an appropriate pipe leading to the sewage run off

  • 6. If there are children in the age group 1 till 1,5 year spread out over several groups, then the requirements in part c of the fourth section can be applied for one group of children, provided that the potty is being cleaned when re-used

Article 15

  • 1. If a day care center provides day care for children from 0-1 year, then the day care center will also be provided with:

    • a.

      An inside space used exclusively for the care of children from 0 to 1 year, where they can move about freely

    • b.

      Sanitary provisions and a dressing area for this space

    • c.

      A kitchen for this area and with a working surface of washable material, a sink and provisions for insect and rodent free preservation of utensils for food preparation and for the refrigerated and non – refrigerated storage of food (a baby-kitchen)

    • d.

      Separate storage room for the storage of the personal goods of the children and enough space for the storage of toys and other goods pertaining to the care of the children

    • e.

      One play pen per group of five children and one bed per child

  • 2. Beds and play pens are made of smooth wood and have bars with a maximum space in between them of no more than 7,5 cm

  • 3. The area mentioned in the first paragraph offers room to a maximum of ten children

Conditions to be set for hygiene and food

Article 16

  • 1. Each child will have its own materials for personal hygiene, including a washcloth, a comb, a toothbrush and a towel

  • 2. The management may agree with the parents/guardians that the children bring the goods mentioned in the former section from home with them each day

  • 3. Each washbasin must be equipped with liquid soap and paper towels for washing and drying hands

Article 17

  • 1. In any case, toys are washed in-house once a week and further whenever necessary

  • 2. Every room in a day care center is cleaned daily with water and a disinfecting detergent that is safe for children

  • 3. The day care center is cleaned outside of the hours in which daycare for children is given , unless necessary

  • 4. When cleaning the day care center and the equipment used for caregiving, the management will follow the guidelines given by the executive Council

Article 18

  • 1. The management provides enough healthy meals and snacks for the children according to that part of the day in which day care for children is being provided

  • 2. When setting up the weekly menu and preparing meals, the management will follow the guidelines of the Executive Council

Conditions to be set for the staff.

Article 19

  • 1. At least one member of management must be in possession of a diploma for socio-pedagogic training at Bachelor's level

  • 2. All caregivers must have a diploma for secondary socio-pedagogic training

  • 3. The executive council, after having heard the Quality Committee and in contrary to the stipulations in the first and second paragraph, may consider the knowledge and experience of level of a staff member or an intended staff member of a day care center equal to that of the aforementioned training.

  • 4. The members of management and the caregivers must follow a specific amount of hours of upgrading courses, to be acknowledged by the committee. Said amount of hours will be established in the license.

  • 5. Persons in training may work in the day care center providing that they do so under the supervision of a caregiver.

  • 6. Volunteers may assist in the day care center under the supervision of a caregiver during hours stipulated by management

Article 20

Depending on the amount of children to which day care for children is given, during the time that said care is given, the following will be continually present at the day care center:

  • a.

    At least one caregiver or assistant

  • b.

    At least two persons with a valid B drivers 'license and a vehicle with a valid proof of inspection

  • c.

    At least two persons with a valid first aid diploma

Article 21

  • 1. Staff members must use other shoes inside the baby room than those they wear in the outside area and the staff area

  • 2. Before starting their duties, the staff members must wash their hands with liquid soap and further, they must do so every time that the duties so require

Article 22

Staff members of a day care center, who have been diagnosed by a medical doctor with a contagious disease, will not work in the day care center during the time that they are ill or that they pose a threat of contagion

Other Stipulations

Article 23

  • 1. In the age group mentioned in the second section, at least one caregiver is present

  • 2. The maximum amount of children per age group per caregiver is:

    • a.

      Six in the age group from 4 weeks to one year

    • b.

      Eight in the age group from one to two years

    • c.

      Twelve in the age group from two years and older

  • 3. A mixed group is only allowed for children between the ages as mentioned in the second section under b. and c. and consists of a maximum of twelve children, of which maximum six children in the age group of one until two years

  • 4. One may deviate from the stipulations in this article after having consulted with the committee

Article 24

When setting up an activity program, it must be taken into consideration that:

  • a.

    Each child needs at least 3 m2 of moving space

  • b.

    Each group of children, as mentioned in article 17, uses one room unless a room can be portioned off to yield two separate spaces

  • c.

    The activities are attuned to the amount of children and the available space

Article 25

The division Youth Health Care of the Unit Public Health is considered to be that institution indicated in article 16 of the Island Ordinance

Article 26

The guidelines mentioned in this Island resolution will be provided by the Executive Council

Transition and final stipulations

Artikel 27

  • 1.

    Dit eilandsbesluit, houdende algemene maatregelen, kan worden aangehaald als Eilandsbesluit kinderdagverblijf .

  • 2.

    Zij treedt in werking met ingang van de achtste dag na haar afkondiging.


Dit Eilandsbesluit, houdende algemene maatregelen, wordt conform het Eilandsbesluit afkondigingsprocedure A.B. 2016 no. 3, afgekondigd en ter inzage gelegd gedurende drie maanden voor een ieder.
Sint Eustatius, JAN 16 2018
Het bestuurscollege van Sint Eustatius,
De wnd. Gezaghebber, De wnd. Eilandssecretaris,
Dhr. J. Woodley Mw. M. Dijkshoorn-Lopes